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Ian O'Donnell
Ian O'Donnell, Irish Bard

Ian performs traditional Irish/Celtic folk music as well as original music in similar vein. He is known for fun, upbeat shows are loaded with excitement, laughter and great music! (Don't forget the 3 magic words: "Audience... Participation... Tune!")
If you have met Ian, you may have seen him performing at Renaissance Fairs in US: Arizona, Bristol, Carolina, Castle, Colorado, East Point, Kansas City, King's Bridge, Maryland, Ohio, Scarborough or Tennessee. You may also have seen him leading the Pub Sing or Opening/Closing Gate Shows at either the Tennessee Renaissance Fair or the Castle Renaissance Fair in Muskogee, Oklahoma. He was the Music Coordinator for both of these Faires.
Ian was also part of musical group called The Mariners, specializing in songs of sea and rollicking good times - the audience as well as themselves! If you Pirates in Paradise festival the Florida Keys, you may have seen them, or you may have caught has featured performers for Pirates Weekend at Kansas City Renaissance Fair. Whenever they're around, ready for great time, and... keep eye your wives and daughters! :)